Loan Rates

  • Auto, Truck, Motorcycle***

    Term APR* as low as** Monthly Payment for each $1,000
    12 Months 4.75% $85.52
    24 Months 4.90% $43.84
    36 Months 5.24% $30.09
    48 Months 5.49% $23.26
    60 Months 5.49% $19.11
    72 Months 5.99% $16.58
    84 Months 6.49% $14.85
  • Recreational Vehicle***

    Term APR* as low as** Monhtly Payment for each $1,000
    12 Months 5.49% $85.83
    24 Months 5.49% $44.09
    36 Months 5.49% $30.19
    48 Months 5.99% $23.48
    60 Months 5.99% $19.33
    72 Months 6.24% $16.69
    84 Months 6.74% $14.97
  • Personal Loans

    Type Term APR* as low as** Monthly Payment for each $1,000
    Secured Personal 12 Months
    24 Months
    36 Months
    48 Months
    60 Months
    Shared Secured 60 Months 2% + Share Rate $17.64
    Unsecured Signature 12 Months
    24 Months
    36 Months
    48 Months
    60 Months
    Kwik Cash Open End None 11.00% $4/100
    Min $25/month
    Certificate Secured Maturity 1% + Certificate Rate N/A
    VISA Credit Card Click here to compare options and to apply.
  • Real Estate Mortgage

    Type of 1st Mortgage Term Rate APR* as low as** Monthly Payment for each $1,000
    62-Month Balloon 62-Month Balloon
    (up to 30-year amortization)
    5.75% 5.92% $5.84
    7-Year Balloon 7-Year Balloon
    (up to 30-year amortization)
    6.00% 6.13% $6.00
    10-Year Balloon 10-Year Balloon
    (up to 30-year amortization)
    6.25% 6.36% $6.16
    10-Year Fixed 10 Years 5.75% 5.91% $10.98
    15-Year Fixed 15 Years 5.75% 5.86% $8.31
    20-Year Fixed 20 Years 6.30% 6.39% $7.34
    20 & 30 Year Fixed
    VA & FHA
    N/A Contact Taylor Credit Union for Rates
    HELOC – Home Equity Line of Credit N/A Contact Taylor Credit Union for Rates
  • 2nd Mortgage Real Estate

    Type of 2nd Mortgage Term Rate APR* as low as** Monthly Payment for each $1,000
    5-Year Fixed 5 Years 6.50% 6.80% $19.57
    10-Year Fixed 10 Years 7.00% 7.16% $11.62
  • Mobile Home

    Type Term Rate APR* as low as** Monthly Payment for each $1,000
    Mobile Home on Land 62-Month Balloon
    (up to 20-year amortization)
    6.95% 7.13% $7.73
    Mobile Home on Land 7-Year Balloon
    (up to 20-year amortization)
    7.05% 7.20% $7.79
    Mobile Home on Land 10-Year Balloon
    (up to 20-year amortization)
    7.15% 7.27% $7.85
    Mobile Home on Land 10 Years 7.25% 7.42% $11.75
    Mobile Home on Land 15 Years 7.35% 7.47% $9.19
    Mobile Home
    (4 years & newer)
    5 Years
    10 Years
    Mobile Home
    (5 plus years)
    5 Years
    10 Years
  • Vacant Land

    Type Term Rate APR* as low as** Monthly Payment for each $1,000
    62-Month Balloon 62-Month Balloon
    (up to 30-year amortization)
    6.50% 6.67% $6.33
    7-Year Balloon 7-Year Balloon
    (up to 30-year amortization)
    6.75% 6.89% $6.49
    10-Year Balloon 10-Year Balloon
    (up to 30-year amortization)
    7.00% 7.11% $6.66
    10-Year Fixed 10 Years 5.75% 5.91% $10.98
    10-Year Fixed 10 Years 6.50% 6.66% $11.36
    15-Year Fixed 15 Years 6.75% 6.87% $8.85
    20-Year Fixed 20 Years 7.00% 7.10% $7.76

Rates effective 11/20/2024

*APR = Annual Percentage Rate
**Based on credit score. Loan rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change anytime without notice. Certain term limitation requirements may apply on certain collateral. All loans subject to collateral and credit approval. Please contact our loan department for further information.
***Receive 0.25% rate discount with direct deposit into, and automatic payment from a Taylor Credit Union checking account.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Rates quoted above are the base rate and will vary based on your individual credit.
Equal Housing Opportunity.

Deposit Rates

  • Deposit Accounts

    Type of Account Paid Minimum Deposit Dividend Rate APY*
    Regular Shares Quarterly $5.00 .25% .25%
    Saver’s Sweepstakes® Quarterly $5.00 .25% .25%
    Christmas Club Quarterly None .25% .25%
    Funeral Trust Quarterly None .25% .25%
    Traditional Share Draft/Checking Monthly $500 .10% .10%
    Royale Share Draft Checking Monthly $500 .10% .10%
    Business/Organization Share Draft Checking Monthly $500 .10% .10%
    Money Market $2,500.00-$9,999.99 Monthly $2,500.00 .80% .80%
    Money Market $10,000-$24,999.99 Monthly $10,000.00 .90% .90%
    Money Market $25,000.00-$99,999.99 Monthly $25,000.00 1.25% 1.26%
    Money Market $100,000.00-$199,999.99 Monthly $100,000.00 2.00% 2.02%
    Money Market over $200,000.00 Monthly $200,000.00 2.25% 2.27%
    Traditional or SEP IRA Share Quarterly None .35% .35%
    Roth IRA Share Quarterly None .35% .35%
    Coverdell Education Share Quarterly None .35% .35%
    Health Savings Account Quarterly None .35% .35%
  • Term Share Certificates

    Certificate Paid Minimum Deposit Dividend APY*
    3-Month Certificate Quarterly $2,500.00 .45% .45%
    6-Month Certificate Quarterly $2,500.00 .70% .70%
    12-Month Certificate Quarterly $1,000.00 1.75% 1.76%
    18-Month Certificate Quarterly $1,000.00 1.75% 1.76%
    24-Month Certificate Quarterly $1,000.00 1.80% 1.81%
    36-Month Certificate Quarterly $1,000.00 1.85% 1.86%
    48-Month Certificate Quarterly $1,000.00 1.90% 1.91%
    6-Month Certificate Quarterly $10,000.00 .75% .75%
    12-Month Certificate Quarterly $10,000.00 2.00% 2.02%
    18-Month Certificate Quarterly $10,000.00 2.05% 2.07%
    24-Month Certificate Quarterly $10,000.00 2.10% 2.12%
    36-Month Certificate Quarterly $10,000.00 2.15% 2.17%
    48-Month Certificate Quarterly $10,000.00 2.20% 2.22%
  • Traditional & Roth IRAs

    IRA Paid Minimum Deposit Dividend APY*
    1-Year Traditional & Roth IRA Quarterly $1,000.00 1.75% 1.76%
    2-Year Traditional & Roth IRA Quarterly $1,000.00 1.80% 1.81%
    3-Year Traditional & Roth IRA Quarterly $1,000.00 1.85% 1.86%
    4-Year Traditional & Roth IRA Quarterly $1,000.00 1.90% 1.91%
    1-Year Traditional & Roth IRA Quarterly $10,000.00 2.00% 2.02%
    2-Year Traditional & Roth IRA Quarterly $10,000.00 2.10% 2.12%
    3-Year Traditional & Roth IRA Quarterly $10,000.00 2.15% 2.17%
    4-Year Traditional & Roth IRA Quarterly $10,000.00 2.20% 2.22%
  • Coverdell Education Savings Accounts

    Term Paid Minimum Deposit Dividend APY*
    1 Year Quarterly $500 1.75% 1.76%
    2 Year Quarterly $500 1.80% 1.81%
    3 Year Quarterly $500 1.85% 1.86%
    4 Year Quarterly $500 1.90% 1.91%

Rates effective 01/01/2024

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield.
All rates are subject to change at anytime.
Fees may/could reduce earnings on account.
Regular & IRA term Share Certificates may have a penalty for early withdrawal. The minimum deposit to open a Term Share Certificate and earn the stated APY is disclosed above.
Federally Insured by the NCUA