Great Rate Break Auto Loan

Purchase or Refinance

  • Used Vehicle
  • New Vehicle

    Great Rate Breaks!

  • .25% Discount with 20% Down Payment or Vehicle Equity
  • .25% Discount with Payroll Deposit into TCU Checking with Autopay

  • View Rates

    Our online loan application only takes a few minutes to complete. To make the process easier, please gather the following items beforehand for each person applying.

    • Social Security number or ITIN
    • Government-issued Identification
    • Monthly Gross Income
    • Member Number (if current member)
    • Requested loan info

    *APR - annual percentage rate. Auto vehicles model year 2015 or newer eligible for 36 & 60 months term rates. Auto vehicles model year 2020 or newer for 84 months term rate. Minimum loan amount may apply. The rates listed are subject to credit approval and include the Great Rate Breaks discounts. Rates and terms are subject to change. Membership eligibility required. Insured by NCUA. Promotion effective 3/24/2025 for a limited time.